Looking for Clarity and Direction?

Join Our Free

5-day Journaling To Purpose Challenge.

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The Obstacles to Living a Great Story

  • Distracted? Being unclear means you'll constantly jump from one thing to the next, never making real progress.
  • Feeling Stuck? Without knowing where to focus your energy, decision-making becomes overwhelming and paralyzing.
  • Unfulfilled Potential? Without clear direction, you struggle to realize your full potential and lead the life you were truly meant to live.

In this 5-day Challenge you will:

  • Journal to uncover your truest self
  • Find the thread of meaning in your past
  • Clarify your purpose and the next chapter of your life
  • Organize yourself so you can live the story you were destined to live
  • Be supported in an inspiring and heart-centered community

Cut Through the Noise: Find Your Focus, Discover Your Purpose.

Meet your guides

Brad Wetzle

  • Award-winning Author, journalist, podcaster, and book-writing coach with over 30 years of experience.
  • Host a podcast exploring themes of personal growth and transformation.
  • Dedicated to helping people heal, grow, and make a difference through their writing and their lives.

Adam Guzman-Poole

  • Author, educator, and holistic coach with almost 20 years of experience.
  • Teaches courses on purposeful living at universities and educational centers worldwide.
  • Combines ancient wisdom from Indigenous healers and Eastern sages with modern science to empower personal growth

Here’s what you’ll learn in this FREE 5-day Transformative-Challenge:

DAY 1:

Discover Your Hero's Journey

“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”

— Joseph Campbell

Today, you’ll start by seeing yourself as the hero of your own story.

We’ll introduce you to the Hero's Journey, a timeless framework for personal transformation, and help you map out the stages of your own journey.

  • Learn the Hero's Journey framework for personal transformation.
  • Be the Hero of your own story and embark on a journey of growth and self-discovery

DAY 2:

Reflect On Your Past

“You can't really know where you are going until you know where you have been.”

— Maya Angelou

Your past holds the key to understanding what truly matters to you.

Today, we’ll delve into your history to uncover the hidden gifts and lessons that have shaped who you are.

  • Find meaning in your past experiences and uncover what truly matters to you.
  • Rewrite old stories that hold you back, and write a new and empowering narrative.

DAY 3:

Write Your Next Chapter/Write your mission statement

“Through imagination, we can visualize the uncreated worlds of potential that lie within us.”

— Stephen Covey

It’s time to look ahead and start crafting the next chapter of your life.

Create a mission statement that aligns with your deepest values and purpose.

  • Get Clarity: Tune into the story that is waiting to be told through you.
  • Create a Vision for the next chapter of your life.

DAY 4:

Organize to Actualize

“Organize your life around your dreams, and watch them come true.”

— Unknown

With your vision in hand, today is about turning your soul’s story into reality.

We’ll equip you with practical tools and daily rituals to help you organize your life and stay on track.

  • Plan: Turn your soul’s story into reality with practical tools and daily rituals.
  • Organize: Learn systems to help you organize your life and create your story.
  • Engage in weekly planning and journal exercises to stay focused and live your soul’s story.

DAY 5:

Live Your Story

“The key to turning dreams into reality is action.”

— Jim Rohn

Now it’s time to take action and start living the story you’ve crafted.

Today, we’ll focus on making a commitment to your soul’s story and taking the first steps toward your new life.

  • Take Action: Commit to living your soul’s story by taking actionable steps.
  • Community Support: Be supported by a community of like-hearted individuals.

Are You Ready?

Join us in this Free Challenge and begin writing the next chapter of your life with clarity, focus, and purpose.

Because your story matters—not just for you but for the world at large. Because let’s get real, in these crazy times,we need inspiring stories more than ever.

We need your stories!

Click the link below to embark on the journey and start living your best story now!

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© 2024 Dharma Warriors